Is owning a sailboat worth it? – Buying or Chartering?!

Captain Jordan 0
owning sailboat

Is it worth it to own a sailboat? in comparison to what: Living aboard? Chartering a sailboat? Travel around the world on a cruise ship? Owning a small yacht? Restoring an old sailboat? Living your dream?

More essentially, why do you want to own a sailboat? to circumnavigate the world, to sail around some islands, or to spend some fun time with family and friends on the water.

Before I go into details, I will give a short general answer. Is it worth it to own a sailboat?:

Unless you sailed about two months a year, it is cheaper to charter than own. Paying for mooring, insurance, crewing if needed, and maintenance will be more expensive than chartering whether it is used or new. if it’s a new buying price will depreciate quickly and adds up to be more expensive.

Sailing about two months a year cheaper when chartering than owning!! it’s not exactly accurate.

Because you can own an old rotten sailboat for ten thousand or less, and spend most of the sea time on the water a mile offshore or remain in the marina for years.

But if you want to own a sailboat to Liveaboard or sailing from island to island, transocean’s, or even circumnavigate the world and live your dream, then you will surely be sailing for more than two months a year.

(the moment which owning is cheaper than chartering).

Therefore you need a boat in very good conditions and suitable for your purpose. and that is proof that you like boats but are not sure yet if you should buy one.

This article will highlight some aspects that can help you.

Do you need to buy or charter a sailboat?

Usually, people buy sailboats for the wrong reasons. to impress someone, look rich, to party on, escape noisy cities, and I can continue to a thousand.

This is why most boats remain in the marina from one year to the next without any use, or with very little sea time. but buying one looked like a good idea at the time.

Therefore, I will give you the top reasons when you should buy a sailboat instead of chartering. otherwise “Your boat will be just a hole in the water you throw money into”.

Living aboard

Living on a sailboat

Living aboard a sailboat sounds like a great idea, lovely, simple, and very romantic especially if you and your partner/family are excited to do it together. and indeed it can be done.

But I will not discuss the idea of living aboard a sailboat and if it is a good decision or not, it’s a big topic for another time. but the idea of owning a sailboat to live aboard is worth it or not.

Before buying a boat to live on it because you think it is going to be cheaper than a house or apartment or for your own reason, you should do extensive research in order to determine how much you can expect to spend while living on the boat.

And where it’s going to be rivers, lakes, or oceans. Are you going to sail to different places or not?

Since marina expenses can vary wildly, depending on where you keep your boat and the size of your boat, plus potential extra fees for electric service and other services.

But you can stick with a budget or reduce it, by anchoring out and taking an inflatable boat or a dinghy to shore for local food and supplies. It’s also the best opportunity for exploration, interaction, and socializing.

and you can reduce your expenses by being the handyman, and fix most of the issues that appear and the regular maintenance by yourself instead of paying for someone else.

After your extensive research, you should be able to answer these questions:

  • Is this just for a period of time or is this a lifestyle choice?
  • Are you living in a climate that is boat-friendly year-round?
  • Are you handy and a good problem solver?
  • Are you ready to become your own maid?
  • Are you going to use the boat for more than two months?
  • Will you feel comfortable with your kids/family/partner being in this new environment?
  • If it doesn’t work, What will you do?

Your answers will determine if owning a sailboat to liveaboard worth it or not.

Circumnavigate the world

Circumnavigate the world

Circumnavigate the world by sailboat. It’s a big dream for many people. But most people were not able to fulfill this dream, because it requires a lot of time, effort, and skills in order to achieve it.

It will most certainly take more than two months, and it requires a major change in lifestyle, the ability to quickly learn new skills, and patience during difficult times.

These are the traits that most people lack that cause them to give up their dream.

And if you are one of the people who have the skills they need and you will not give up on your dream to Circumnavigate the world, the adventure is worth it and owning a sailboat for that purpose is worth it.

Trip of a lifetime

Trip of a lifetime

If you were planning to have a unique and wonderful trip for years, to a remarkable and exceptional place, with your partner or family and friends.

A place like the Galapagos Islands, located 1000 km off Ecuador’s coast in the Pacific Ocean, composed of 127 islands. Or somewhere like the Islands of Hawaii, Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, Molokai, etc… in the central of the Pacific Ocean.

Wonderful and beautiful places for sure, and if you want your sailing trip to be a magnificent, epic trip of a lifetime, definitely it will take more than two months to get there and explore the islands and return to the homeland.

Yet you still can get there and enjoy the scenery and nature through traditional transportation like airplanes.

But it’s not going to be anything like if you sail there and Circumnavigate and explore the islands one by one and having a new adventure every day. that’s why it’s worth it.

Living a dream

Living a dream

If you have your own reason to own a sailboat other than what I had mentioned before, and yours are considered a dream to you.

Whatever your reason is; if it is a dream it is worth it. if you can afford it, and maintain it.

It takes a special type of spirit to value the dreams and lifestyle of the sailboat owners enough to sacrifice and make owning a sailboat a priority- adventurous, love nature, enjoy freedom from land and civilization, enjoy challenges, and taking risks in life.

Because no one has the right to tell you that your dream is not worth it, Right?


Is owning a sailboat worth it? For those who love it, nothing else comes similarly. Nothing can be like the satisfaction of time spent aboard sailing or working on your boat.

owning a sailboat

leaving with your significant other for a long weekend or two weeks or a year away, anytime and anywhere you choose. There is simply nothing that can compete with it in any way.

For the average person with an average income, it’s a big decision and significant commitment. And only you can answer that question and decide if it’s worth it or not.

But before you do, if you can take my final advice which is before you buy a sailboat if you can charter it, charter it, try it, know the dangers of sailing, and see if you like it or not before you pay for it.

Yes, it’s going to be a little more expensive, but it could also be saving you from making a bad decision that could cost you a lot more than just losing money.

Captain Jordan

Since the first time, I stepped on a sailboat fifteen years ago my life hasn't been quite the same after it. sailing has seeped into all aspects of my life. Fueled with a love for sailing and boats, I had slowly begun to learn how to sail and to know more about boats. So, I've dedicated a part of my life to learn about sailing, in order to sail smarter, faster, and more efficient.