About US

Well, you’ve arrived at the about us page. This means you are sailing and boat lovers. and this site is for boat world enthusiasts like you and me.
Boating Genie is a website dedicated to providing in-depth articles and helpful information and answering specific questions in detail about boats and the sailing world.

And its going to be full of sailors and people who had experience or experiment with sailing and would like to write it and share it with the world to bring knowledge, assist, and enlightenment for those who seek it.

What else is supposed to say About Us other than what said?. I’m Captain Jordan, I set this site up to bring together a community of people. ( all about Boating )

I post content on sailing and boats. And there’s going to be a lot more in the future while I grow my team of writers but for now, you’ll have to endure me & a few others.

Hopefully, you’ll have a look around our site, find your favorite Topic & enjoy the content. And you may even sign up for our newsletter, we’ll keep your inbox clean from lots of Boating Genie stuff. Just some content you might enjoy.

If you have any input about how we can be better (although, it’s hard to beat perfection). Or if you have some topic and you would like us to write about it, you can simply contact us at info@BoatingGenie.com or through our contact page. And we will cheerfully do our best.

Looking forward to hearing from you.
Captain Jordan